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1005 Langley St

Victoria, BC V8W 1V7

1005 Langley St

Victoria, BC V8W 1V7

Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm

Why A Girl Needs A Community
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Why A Girl Needs A Community

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Community Quote My Girl

Ladies, we need each other. This concept has never been so clear-- Over the last few months, quarantine has taught us that physical closeness is a huge component of mental health, and protests have taught us that banding together gets shit done 

We want you to know that whoever you are, you’re in the right place. Having a strong community behind you plays a pivotal role in your confidence, well-being and overall success. **Cue My Girl, your new best friend. My Girl is created by women, for women, and in support of women. We’re tired of being told how to look, feel and act. We’re tired of being told what is or isn’t ladylike. We’re tired of having to censor our thoughts and feelings about menstruation and digestive issues to keep others comfortable. Here, you will find belonging, recognition, empowerment and appreciation, no matter what you look like or where you’re from. Welcome to the club. 

My Girl Community

My Girl is here to help you feel your best while you do your best in this wild, sometimes intimidating world. We’re the friend you come to when you need a new workout, recipe, mental health exercise or wellness resource. We’re the friend you can literally always count on (but really, we’re almost too available) when you’re having a bad day or your boyfriend just f*cking sucks... p.s. ***hold my shit, let me at him. We’re the friend who cheers you on unconditionally because we know that when you succeed, we all succeed. Whatever you need--we’ve got you, and we’ll get you feeling on top of your game. 

We have a duty to share woman-to-woman; this is a space where you’ll be heard and lifted up. Struggles. Secrets. Sex. Relationships. Periods. Constipation. You name it, let’s share it.  When your stomach has turned on you, or the sex was flat-out terrible, or the yeast infection won’t go away-- we’ll be here, ready to advise and boost you up. 

We’re just getting started with the My Girl revolution, and we’re ready to spread our reach every day. We invite you to let your guard down, take a breath, relax your shoulders and feel at peace. You’ve made it. You’re safe. 

Welcome to the My Girl community. 

Yours forever,

My Girl.